Sweet Penny was rescued on 17 January 2013 and was intended to be our first adoptable buddy. The shelter indicated she was an older stray dog with a hurt eye, but we later discovered she was seeing and hearing impaired. In fact, she had a whole host of problems including Demodex, which in older pups is indicative of a larger, primary problem compromising the immune system. It took many months for us to get Penny’s Demodex resolved as well as skin issues which demanded a dermatologist; it seemed that when we resolved one issue, another one popped up. The reality was she was an older pup who was never cared for very well, and once she began to show signs of illness, she was discarded. Can you imagine… a senior, seeing and hearing impaired dog wandering around on the streets? How scary that must have been for her! When I first came to see her, she literally grabbed my arms with her paws and tried to barrel into my embrace. I knew in that moment I couldn’t leave her – regardless of her medical problems or her age. She deserved a life of love and I was determined to give it to her.
Because we make sure our buddies get the full circle of care they need, my home became Penny’s. It was not the plan, but it was an unexpected blessing. I got to give Penny the comfort and care she needed. While she was incredibly grateful to be out of the shelter, her transition into my home was bumpy, as it can be with many pups. Think how you feel entering a strangers’ home… uncomfortable and a little anxious, right!? She wanted kisses, which I willingly obliged, but then she would get confused (perhaps because she was seeing impaired) and I got a few nips. She also had ongoing accidents in the house. With time, I learned her routine and was better able to accommodate her needs. However, she was never fully potty-trained. Did I ever once think she was a bad dog or to return her? Of course not!!!! Our animals are family and we would NEVER, EVER give up on them!
Penny gave me the ultimate gift... unconditional love. What better way to honor her memory than the Penny Fund: an option for donors to direct a monthly gift to buddies like Penny – the underdog, the older dog, the less than perfect dog who needs extra TLC to get on four paws again, but is deserving all the same. With your help, anything is PAWsible!
Penny, you are forever missed and always loved.